Fees as follows:
$500 per establishment (on-line) between 26 and 50 people
$250 per establishment (on-line) 10- 25 people
$25 for each individual (on-line)
You can pay on-line with PayPal,
using the tools on the right hand
side of this page, or send check
or money order to:
Green Yellow Red
6980 Derby Rd.
Derby, NY 14047
In Person Training: The fee for the
live-trainer session is two hundred and
fifty dollars for each live-training
session (plus travel expenses
outside of WNY).
No more than forty people total per
live training session please.
Payment for live training : $250.00
Payment due on date of session,
cash or check. Call to book a date,
at least three weeks in advance
required for live training.
On-Line Course
The cost for individuals who wish to
be certified after taking the free on-line course is just $25.
On-line Course Single Establishment
Single Establishments who would
like their staff to take the course on-line:
1. Use Pay Pal at right or mail a check
or money order for $250 for 10-25
employees. For 26-50 employees,
please submit payment of $500.
2. Submit a roster of employees, and
choose a one week window that you
want to reserve for your employees
to complete the course.
3. Each employee then takes the
course at any time during that week,
and submits their test and certificate
on-line. Regardless of payment
method, you can begin today if
you like.
We take care of sending the course
participation information to NY
State Liquor Authority.
Green Yellow Red will e-mail each
employee an e-certificate, and send
a paper copy to your establishment
for all employees.
Questions? Please feel free to call
me personally, or e-mail me.
Marty Walters
Green Yellow Red
(716) 947-9298
9 am to 6 pm EST